The purple flame instantly burned the oak arm along the passage, and one arm crackled in the purple flame and quickly turned to ashes.

Xu tui is constantly strengthening the ice and sealing the mouth and nose of Quercus canker. The ice seal rises in the white air and is burned on the spot. The face of the flesh has been twisted and painful to the extreme. I have suffered this kind of pain since the array core of […]

With a bang, the water bomb flew out and hit the authenticity method to break its golden light.

Just as the cow ghost wanted to make persistent efforts, the figure of the method flashed out of the encirclement of the cow ghost tentacles, and the Buddha’s light flashed in his hand and cut off a tentacle. The four-sided method of authenticity of heaven and earth flashes at random, and the Buddha’s light bursts […]

There is a great terror in life and death, and there is also a great chance that destruction sometimes breeds greater vitality.

Replacement of flesh and blood In colorful thunder and fire, old flesh and blood shed off and new flesh and blood stretched out. It can be seen that Ning Caichen’s body and bones are all burning, but it is dark, but occasionally the bones are exposed, and the new white is crystal clear. This is […]

Guo-zhi huang this just patting his forehead and calling his negligence … When quickly contacted the Li Jijun terminal.

The terminal can be bound to the helmet, and even if you enter the game, you can answer it freely, so that the outside world will not lose contact when you play. His attitude is very sincere and he repeatedly apologized to Li Jijun, saying that he was really too busy during this period. The […]

Zhang Qing, who is less than ten years old, has been able to read and write words, so she found some deeds of Warrior Lanling from the speaker and some rental employers.

In particular, Warrior Lanling’s beauty theory, official history, unofficial history’s emphasis on ink, and Zhang Qing’s own appearance is just like Warrior Lanling’s, which is even better than a real girl’s home. Although Zhang Qing’s clothes and manners were cultivated as a girl since childhood, the bloodiness of a man in his bones did not […]